Devonport Jazz 2025

Devonport Jazz 2020 Cancelled

Given the fact that the Coronavirus issue is rapidly changing, and there is currently no firm timeline for the resolution of the situation, we believe our best option is to cancel Devonport Jazz for this year. We are deeply disappointed but believe that we have a social responsibility to our whole community.

We have made the decision to cancel at this time to give our artists, venues and audiences maximum time to change their plans and alter any bookings they may already have made.

Devonport Jazz Producer, Maree Brodzinski said, “A festival like Devonport Jazz involves a lot of moving parts. Artists, venues, volunteers, technicians, schools, churches, choirs, community bands, accommodation and travel, as well as our audiences, all have to be taken into account. We were getting very excited to announce this year’s line-up, so the decision to cancel Devonport Jazz has not been taken lightly. In fact, it’s been really difficult.  Our major concern is for the safety and wellbeing of the community at large and it is important that we are in line with the national response to the pandemic.”

Devonport City Council, who presents the four-day music festival, is hopeful that the coming days will offer more clarity into the nature and scope of this situation.  Until the situation is resolved, the Council is committed to making the health and safety of the community a priority.

“Devonport Jazz 2021 is already looking fantastic, as many of the artists that were confirmed for this year’s festival have already committed to coming next year.”

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