Devonport Jazz 2025

Looking forward while looking back

Devonport Jazz looked very different this year, due to COVID-19.  We couldn’t bring musicians in, we couldn’t gather to enjoy each others company, great music, good food, and cosy venues.  But what we did manage to do is relive some fabulous memories from festivals past, with the introduction of our YouTube channel “Devonport Jazz In Retrospect”.  We were lucky enough to be able to access video from as far back as 2006 and were excited to be able to share some clips from concerts you may remember, or you may have missed.  A very special thank you to Peter Ford, who filmed most of these concerts by arrangement with the festival. There is still some more footage in the archives, so we will continue to add to the YouTube channel and look forward to increasing the content in future years.

Because most of the festival had already been programmed when we had to make the hard decision to cancel, we have invited artists and venues to participate next year. While we can’t announce next years’ program until after the New Year, we are delighted that most of our scheduled artists have committed to featuring in Devonport Jazz 2021.

As our programming for 2021 is well advanced, we are very keen to have more opportunities for our community to be involved in Devonport Jazz. There are so many ways you can be involved, whether it’s through volunteering, performing at one of our community events, assisting with the hosting of an event, submitting artwork for display, or decorating your businesses’ window.  If you have any great ideas, let us know.

Of course, as we know, a lot can change between now and then, but we are certainly hopeful that next year will be a ripper! And we want you to be part of it!



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