Devonport Jazz 2025

“Devonport Jazz In Retrospect” YouTube channel

“Devonport Jazz In Retrospect” YouTube channel

This week would have marked the 19th Devonport Jazz festival. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, and the uncertainty around restriction timelines, the decision was made in March to cancel this year’s festival.

Devonport Jazz Producer, Maree Brodzinski said, “A festival like Devonport Jazz involves a lot of moving parts and they all had to be taken into account, but we couldn’t let our 19th year go by without some kind of celebration.”

It was determined that a trip down memory lane would be a great way to keep Devonport Jazz in people’s hearts and minds, by introducing the “Devonport Jazz In Retrospect” YouTube channel.

“We are lucky to have access to select footage from as far back as 2006, so we have used that to put together short clips of concerts and events to share with anyone who’d like to see them,” said Ms Brodzinski. “None of the footage is professionally shot, so visually and sound-wise some are a little rough, but we hope it brings back some terrific memories of Devonport Jazz festivals of the past.”

Every day throughout July, clips have been released on Facebook and so far these have been very well received. Footage from concerts at the Town Hall and Centenary Court have been featured, as well as some community events.

“Devonport Jazz 2021 is already looking fantastic, as many of the artists that were confirmed for this year’s festival have already committed to coming next year. We hope that in future years we can continue to add to the YouTube channel and have a good record of the festival when we resume.”

“Devonport Jazz In Retrospect” YouTube channel

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